The platform addresses the needs of all classical music professionals with regard to the availability of concise and useful information concerning the works of Romanian composers. The platform contains essential information needed to identify and locate musical works - year the work was composed, instrumentation, musical categories, the place the scores can be purchased etc., operating as an online search engine. It is the first platform that allows searching and filtering of the information by instrumental music categories.
Unfortunately, at the present time, books or encyclopaedias containing information on the works of Romanian composers are no longer available in bookstores. Moreover, the cataloguing of classical works is typically centred around the repertoire of each composer and not around the type of instrument used (e.g.: music for violin, music for sopranos etc.), hence the resources musicians can make use of in order to interpret Romanian works are limited to their own knowledge of that of their professors. aggregates essential information on the works of Romanian composers in one sole place, making it easy for anybody interested in it to find it: from pupils, students or professors to instrumentalists, conductors, philharmonic managers or orchestras and even to the general classical music-loving public.
Down the line, the data aggregated by the platform could be the basis of relevant statistics in reports on the history and evolution of classical music in Romania, produced by various cultural institutions or by academia. is the first step of a lengthier and continuously developing process of mapping the entirety of Romanian classical music.
We are aware that most of the works are not available anywhere in order for them to be downloaded and interpreted, which is why the project is merely the first phase of our endeavour of charting Romanian classical music.
In the long run, we wish to further update the data base with the repertoire of contemporary Romanian composers, in order to ensure that musicians and cultural institutions have a more accurate picture of contemporary works and so that access to viewing and purchasing them becomes easier.
The initiator of this project is Corina Ciuplea-Țurcan, editor and music engraver.
She is currently an editor with the European FilmPhilharmonic Institute din Berlin and collaborates with composers, cultural institutions and publishers in Romania and Germany. In recent years, she has engraved and edited over 40 Romanian classical music works, both for independent Romanian composers and institutions or state orchestras.
Her work experience in the field of old manuscripts and contemporary music, acquired at European level, has led to important collaborations with significant impact on the Romanian classical music heritage. Stemming from the need to digitally centralize the thousands of Romanian works for the first time, indexing and cataloguing them through a search engine, Corina Ciuplea-Țurcan has created the Catalog Muzical project along with her team comprised of Larisa Retegan, Corina Gheorghe, Lucia-Maria Popescu and Iulia Pop, a project co-financed by The Administration of the National Cultural Fund.
Libraries, personal score collection, catalogues or dictionaries
- Repertoriul general al creaţiei muzicale româneşti de Mihai Popescu, Bucureşti, Editura Muzicală: Vol.1 (1978), Vol.2 (1981), supliment (1987)
- Dicționare de specialitate – Muzicieni din România – de Viorel Cosma vol. 1–10 (1989–2012)
- Petre Brâncuși – Istoria muzicii românești ( Editura Muzicală - 1969)
- Mihail Gr. Poslusnicu - Istoria muzicei la Români (1928)
- Cornelia Angelescu – Antologia liedului românesc secolul XIX (Ed. Fundației de Mâine, 2006)
- Stoianov Carmen, Stoianov Petru – Istoria muzicii românești (Ed. Fundației de Mâine, 2005)
- Valentin Ghita - Repertoriul creației muzicale românești pentru instrumente de suflat
- Tatiana Oltean – Istoria Muzicii Românești– Modul de studiu VI
Online sources:, ,,,,,,, personal websites of composers.
The chronological criteria have only been met within the works of the same composer.
The platform addresses the needs of all classical music professionals with regard to the availability of concise and useful information concerning the works of Romanian composers. The platform contains essential information needed to identify and locate musical works - year the work was composed, instrumentation, musical categories, the place the scores can be purchased etc., operating as an online search engine. It is the first platform that allows searching and filtering of the information by instrumental music categories.
Unfortunately, at the present time, books or encyclopaedias containing information on the works of Romanian composers are no longer available in bookstores. Moreover, the cataloguing of classical works is typically centred around the repertoire of each composer and not around the type of instrument used (e.g.: music for violin, music for sopranos etc.), hence the resources musicians can make use of in order to interpret Romanian works are limited to their own knowledge of that of their professors. aggregates essential information on the works of Romanian composers in one sole place, making it easy for anybody interested in it to find it: from pupils, students or professors to instrumentalists, conductors, philharmonic managers or orchestras and even to the general classical music-loving public.
Down the line, the data aggregated by the platform could be the basis of relevant statistics in reports on the history and evolution of classical music in Romania, produced by various cultural institutions or by academia. is the first step of a lengthier and continuously developing process of mapping the entirety of Romanian classical music.
We are aware that most of the works are not available anywhere in order for them to be downloaded and interpreted, which is why the project is merely the first phase of our endeavour of charting Romanian classical music.
In the long run, we wish to further update the data base with the repertoire of contemporary Romanian composers, in order to ensure that musicians and cultural institutions have a more accurate picture of contemporary works and so that access to viewing and purchasing them becomes easier.
The initiator of this project is Corina Ciuplea-Țurcan, editor and music engraver.
She is currently an editor with the European FilmPhilharmonic Institute din Berlin and collaborates with composers, cultural institutions and publishers in Romania and Germany. In recent years, she has engraved and edited over 40 Romanian classical music works, both for independent Romanian composers and institutions or state orchestras.
Her work experience in the field of old manuscripts and contemporary music, acquired at European level, has led to important collaborations with significant impact on the Romanian classical music heritage. Stemming from the need to digitally centralize the thousands of Romanian works for the first time, indexing and cataloguing them through a search engine, Corina Ciuplea-Țurcan has created the Catalog Muzical project along with her team comprised of Larisa Retegan, Corina Gheorghe, Lucia-Maria Popescu and Iulia Pop, a project co-financed by The Administration of the National Cultural Fund.
Libraries, personal score collection, catalogues or dictionaries
- Repertoriul general al creaţiei muzicale româneşti de Mihai Popescu, Bucureşti, Editura Muzicală: Vol.1 (1978), Vol.2 (1981), supliment (1987)
- Dicționare de specialitate – Muzicieni din România – de Viorel Cosma vol. 1–10 (1989–2012)
- Petre Brâncuși – Istoria muzicii românești ( Editura Muzicală - 1969)
- Mihail Gr. Poslusnicu - Istoria muzicei la Români (1928)
- Cornelia Angelescu – Antologia liedului românesc secolul XIX (Ed. Fundației de Mâine, 2006)
- Stoianov Carmen, Stoianov Petru – Istoria muzicii românești (Ed. Fundației de Mâine, 2005)
- Valentin Ghita - Repertoriul creației muzicale românești pentru instrumente de suflat
- Tatiana Oltean – Istoria Muzicii Românești– Modul de studiu VI
Online sources:, ,,,,,,, personal websites of composers.
The chronological criteria have only been met within the works of the same composer.